Areas of activity
He works mainly in the field of corporate and financial law and commercial contracts, with a particular focus on extraordinary transactions, such as IPO, mergers and acquisitions, private equity transactions and corporate reorganizations, including in the context of generational handovers.
He has specific and consolidated expertise in corporate matters, including to listed companies, in particular with regard to prodromal and consequential requirements for listing and relations with the Supervisory Authorities and with the market management company.
Education and studies
He graduated in Law at University of Torino in 2004 with a score of 110/110 cum laude and right of publication, with a thesis in commercial law.
In 2011 he obtained a Ph.D in Commercial and Market Financial Law by the University of Bologna.
Other activities
He is member of the Turin Bar since 2007.
He is equity partner of Musumeci, Altara, Desana and Associati Law Firm since 2013.
He is the author of publications on commercial and corporate law and is a speaker at conferences and lectures at universities and specialisation courses on subjects related to commercial and corporate law.
He was member of the Board of Directors of DiaSorin SpA, listed company with registered office in Saluggia, from 2017 to 2020.

Scientific publications
– The suspension of proceedings under Article 2409 of the Civil Code, in Jur. comm., 2010, II, p. 748.
– Drafting of a number of entries on corporate law and financial market law (including “company,” “shareholders’ meeting,” “share capital,” “share capital transactions,” “self-regulatory code,” “subsidiary,” “judicial review of companies,” “corporate governance,” “equity,” “free float,” “holding company,” “leveraged buy-out,” “option right,“ ‘shareholders’ agreement,” “privatization,” “public company,” “listing,” “limited liability company,” “asset management company,” “investment company with variable capital,” “auditing company,” “foreign company,” “transformation,” “par value”) in Encyclopedia “Le Garzantine – Diritto,” Garzanti, 2009.
– The right of withdrawal in joint stock companies. The legal causes of withdrawal in the “closed” joint stock company, Doctoral Thesis, Bologna, 2011.
– The functions of the board of auditors, in Giur. it., 2013, p. 2181.
– Lecture at the Bruno Caccia and Fulvio Croce School of Specialization for the Legal Professions organized by the University of Turin in the year 2012.
– Lecture on “Access to Financial Markets” in the Master’s Degree “Digital Innovation and Legal Compliance” organized by the Consortium for Research and Continuing Education – Corep on December 13, 2022.
– Lecture on “The Corporate Governance of Listed Companies” in the Seminar “The Protection of Financial Markets” organized as part of the teachings Commercial Criminal Law and Corporate Criminal Law on November 7, 2023.