Areas of activity
Ha effettuato la pratica forense presso lo Studio Legale Ferreri di Torino
È iscritto all’Albo degli Avvocati di Torino dal 1995
Ammesso al patrocinio avanti la Corte Suprema di Cassazione e le Giurisdizioni Superiori
Dal 1996 al 2005 Socio Fondatore dello Studio Legale Ferreri
Nel 2005 ha fondato lo Studio Legale Musumeci, Altara e Associati, attualmente Studio Legale Musumeci, Altara, Desana e associati.
Education and studies
Performed his legal practice at the Studio Legale Ferreri in Turin
Has been a member of the Turin Bar since 1995
Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Superior Jurisdictions
From 1996 to 2005 Founding Partner of Studio Legale Ferreri
In 2005 he founded Studio Legale Musumeci, Altara e Associati, currently Studio Legale Musumeci, Altara, Desana e Associati.
Legal profession
He advises its clients in extrajudicial advice in general, in corporate and commercial matters, in extraordinary transactions, in the definition of corporate governance structures, in merger and acquisition transactions and in the drafting of commercial contracts.
He also assists his clients in judicial and arbitration matters.

Current assignments
– Member of the Board of Directors of Diasorin Spa
Past assignments
– From 2005 to 2007 President of the Turin Young Lawyers Association (Associazione Giovani Avvocati di Torino – AGAT)
– From 2007 to 2009 member of the Board of Probiviri of the Turin Young Lawyers’ Association (Associazione Giovani Avvocati di Torino – AGAT)
– From 2008 to 2017 member of the Board of Directors of IP Investimenti e Partecipazioni Srl
– From 2017 to 2019 member of the Boards of Directors of S. Lattes & C. Editori Spa
– From 2918 to 2023 member of the Board of Directors of Pygar Srl
– He was a member of the Scientific Commission of Civil Law set up at the Turin Bar Council