Areas of activity
Attorney, she is a member of the Turin Bar since 2011.
Commercial Law; Corporate Law and M&A; Capital Markets Law; Antitrust Law; Domestic and international contracting; Civil Law; Litigation.
Education and studies
After classical lyceum, she graduated in Law (Università di Torino) in 2008 with a score of 100/110 cum laude, with a thesis entitled “The control system in listed companies”, thesis director Prof. Paolo Montalenti.
In 2007 she attended in Paris the International Business Transactions course held by the University of San Diego, passing the relevant exam.
In 2008 she made a three months internship at Ramos y Arroyo Law Firm in Barcelona.
Legal profession
She received the AGAT (Association of Turin’s Young Lawyer) Award as the Youngest Lawyer registered with the Bar in 2011.
Since 2018 she is a Partner at the law firm “Studio Legale Musumeci, Altara, Desana e Associati”, where she began practising since 2009.
She is admitted to practice in front of the Supreme Court of Cassation (Superma Corte di Cassazione) and the Superior Jurisdictions in Italy.
Since 2014 she has been appointed as expert (“Cultore della materia”) for the areas of commercial law, private law for economic and European corporate law at the University of Turin, Department of Law.
She gives lectures and seminars at both the Department of Law and Department of Economics at the University of Turin.

Participation in scientific commissions
She was member of the Regulatory Committee established at Assoimmobiliare.
Since 2015 she has been collaborating with the legal journal “Giurisprudenza Italiana”, published by UTET Giuridica.
She periodically holds training courses in the legal field at various corporates.
– Marchio Ue – La Rivincita Del “Rosso Louboutin”, in Giurisprudenza Italiana, n. 12/2016, p. 2649 et seq.
– Dai “soliti noti” alla “gender diversity”: come cambiano gli organi di amministrazione e controllo delle società – Gli adempimenti delle società quotate ed il procedimento sanzionatorio, in Giurisprudenza Italiana, n. 11/2015, p. 2519 et seq.
– La cultura ai privati. Il partenariato pubblico privato (sponsorizzazioni e project financing) ed altre iniziative, di AA.VV. (edited by Toti S. Musumeci), CEDAM, Padova, 2012, pp. 105 – 125 e 135 – 143.
– Spagna: il progetto di legge generale della navigazione marittima, di Ignacio Arroyo, translatuon edited by M. Elodie Musumeci, in Il nuovo diritto delle società, Anno 7, n. 13, 1° July 2009, p. 49 et seq.
– Il contenzioso economico in Spagna, di Ignacio Arroyo, translation edited by M. Elodie Musumeci, in Il nuovo diritto delle società, Anno 7, n. 9, 6 May 2009, p. 31 et seq.