Areas of activity
He is member of the Turin Bar since 2014.
He mainly deals with labour, union and social security law, real estate law, civil law, court and arbitration litigation, and contracts.
Education and studies
Graduated from the University of Turin in 2010 with a score of 110/110 cum laude, with a thesis in Private Law entitled “Legal and economic profiles of expropriation”, thesis director prof. avv. Paolo Gallo.
In 2012 he attended the Scuola Litubium Alta Formazione Professionale Master’s degree course on the main topics of civil and criminal law, both substantive and procedural.
He attended and passed the final exam of the Scuola di alta formazione in diritto del lavoro, sindacale e della previdenza sociale “Luca Boneschi” (IX biennio 2021-2022), organised by AGI – Italian Labour Lawyers and accredited by the Consiglio Nazionale Forense, for the advanced training and professional qualification of lawyers dealing with labour, trade union and social security law.
Legal profession
He has lectured on labour law at university master courses.
He has served as a labor law consultant to Federmanager, the most representative association in the management world.
He participated in the “Roadshow Mille Giovani Avvocati” organised by the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore and financed by Cassa Forense for being among the first, for the scores acquired in the written and oral tests, in the merit list among those who took the qualifying examination for the legal profession in 2014.
He has been member of the committee aimed at sorting the judgements of the Court of Appeal of Turin from 2014 to 2019.
Current positions
He is part of the group that coordinates the activity of monitoring the judgements of the Turin Court of Appeal for the reporting of the most relevant legal principles expressed.
Scientific publications
– AA. VV. Sentenze civili e penali per l’esame di avvocato a cura di Davide Guardamagna, Cedam, edition 2014.
– AA. VV. Sentenze civili e penali per l’esame di avvocato a cura di Davide Guardamagna, Cedam, edition 2013.
Recent speeches at conferences
– Moderator at the conference “Gli Enti del Terzo Settore dopo l’introduzione del Registro Unico (RUNTS)” organised by the Association of Young Lawyers of Turin (AGAT) held on June the 19th 2023
– Moderator at the conference “Green pass e rapporto di lavoro: il punto di vista delle imprese e dei lavoratori” organised by the Association of Young Lawyers of Turin (AGAT) and AGI – Italian Labour Lawyers held on December the 1st 2021.
– Moderator at the conference “L’impatto delle nuove tecnologie sulla professione forense” organised by the Association of Young Lawyers of Turin (AGAT) held on July the 13th 2020.