Areas of activity
She mainly deals with commercial contracts, both national and international, corporate law and extraordinary corporate transactions, such as purchases and sales of shareholdings and businesses. She has gained experience in advising listed companies too.
Education and studies
Graduated from the University of Turin in 2010 with 110/110 cum laude with commercial law “Managment shareholders’ agreements of in non-listed companies”, supervisor Prof. Paolo Montalenti.
In 2011 she attended the Business and Legal English course at the London School of Economics (LSE). In 2012 she attended the Litubium School – Postgraduate Master in Law.
She took part in the “Roadshow Mille Giovani Avvocati” organised by the Business School of IlSole24Ore and financed by Cassa Forense for the scores acquired in the written and oral tests for the admission to the legal bar in 2014. Lawyer since 2014 (Turin Bar Association).
Other activities
She also works in the field of real estate contracts (purchases and sales, contracts od works, and town-planning agreements) and civil litigation, including arbitration, both national and international.

Scientific Publications
AA. VV. Sentenze civili e penali per l’esame di avvocato, edited by Davide Guardamagna Cedam, 2013 and 2014 editions.